A Little About Carr Capital


It’s About Relationships, Not Transactions. 

Each person has unique values, objectives, fears, life experiences, and biases. Any financial professional who ignores or minimizes the importance of “your story” may not be able to help you achieve your ideal outcomes or hit your goals. At Carr Capital, we take the time to build relationships with each client; we believe relationships are crucial to having a successful financial plan. Experience the Carr Capital difference! 

Client Timeline

  • 1st visit:

    Our first visit together only last 45 minutes. We take this time to get to know one another, and see if we would be a good fit together. The basis of every relationship is trust, so in order to move forward we will need to establish trust into our relationship. We will discuss your experiences in the industry, set expectations for the future, and send you home with some homework to complete before our next visit.

  • 2nd visit:

    This is what we call the ICA visit, and it, along with all other visits from here on out, will cover 60 minutes. During the ICA visit, we will review your current financial position - particularly areas around retirement income planning, insurance planning, estate and tax planning. We will analyze your current investments and determine where you will be in 10, 20, 50 years into the future if nothing were to change. This helps us review questions such as if the expectations/goals, that we discussed in the first visit, will be met or not. We briefly discuss plans and strategies about moving forward, and disclose to you our project management fee.

  • 3rd+ visit:

    You are now officially a client of Carr Capital! In the visits that follow, we begin to put your plan into action and work together towards your financial goals. Depending on the complexity of your plan, you could expect to have anywhere from 3-5 visits total with us to get your plan fully functioning. We will be working tirelessly behind the scenes for you, just as we expect you to be working with us in the process of implementing your plan.

  • Event Invitations:

    Every month, Carr Capital host events for our clients and newsletter subscribers. We have a Ladies Luncheon in the afternoon and a Nibbles and Knowledge event for everyone to attend in the evening, each taking place on the third Thursday of the month. At these events, you can expect to have a good time while enjoying good food in a relaxing atmosphere while David and Cass lead a short discussion on a relevant financial topic. 

  • Review Visits:

    Our review visits typically occur semi-annually or annually, whichever you prefer or we feel necessary. In these 60 minute visits, we will review your financial plan and ensure that everything is working as it should. We will answer any question that may arise and revisit your goals and objectives - if anything has changed we will begin working to align your plan with your new goals.

Private Wealth Management 

Off-the-shelf, boilerplate financial counsel is available just about everywhere. At Carr Capital, we know financial freedom means something different to every client. Only by investing the time to truly know you - your dreams, lifestyle goals - can we tailor our experience to get you where you want to be. Money is just ink on paper until you exchange it for something that you value. 

Our Services


Retirement Income Planning

Long before retirement even hits our radars, we’re planning what type of education, skills training and professional designations we’ll acquire. We also spend a lot of time planning which industries are the best place to work in, and which employers to work for. Once employed, we carefully strategize our every career move, so that we progress to the top of the ladder in our respective fields.


Insurance Planning

If there’s one thing certain about life – it’s the uncertainty that living it brings. The best laid plans can sometimes come to naught! Even though you may think you’ve covered all the bases, life sometimes has a funny way of throwing you a curveball when you least expect it. Luckily, while you can strive your best to plan wisely and thoroughly, you can also hedge your bets against the unintended through prudent Insurance Planning.


Estate and Tax Planning

For some people, financial planning is mainly concerned with how best to go about building a nest egg, and how to make it last through retirement. But for many, there is a desire to ensure their estate delivers benefits beyond their own retirement, and produces a lasting legacy even after they have passed.

Ready to Schedule a Conversation?

Chemistry and trust determine every successful client/advisor relationship. That’s why we always start with a one-on-one conversation focused on getting acquainted...nothing more, nothing less. During your initial visit, we’ll discuss your experience with the financial industry, mutual expectations, and clearly explain our process and how we are compensated. Complete the following to get in touch with us!

Which days are you available to meet?
What time of day is best?

Educational Videos


The Very High Cost of Waiting to Save for Retirement


What’s Your Risk Management Plan?


3 Key Elements to Early Retirement Success